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Keeping your family Safe

Don't Let This
Turn into This
Beavercrest takes your Safety Serious

Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) warns 30% of residential fires reported to the Ontario Fire Marshal are associated with electrical wiring or equipment. This includes: electrical circuit wiring, damaged or overloaded extension cords, fuse panels, old light fixtures, or incorrectly installed receptacles and switches.


When planning an project, consider the hazards associated with unsafe electrical installations. Electrical wiring is complicated and if not properly installed can cause fires. If your electrical system shows signs of deterioration such as, circuit breakers that trip, fusses which blow for no apparent reason, or lights that flicker, Bill and his team can evaluate the wiring in your home or business and stop Frankie Hazard in his tracks.


Contact a licensed electrical contractor, and make sure they arrange for an electrical permit. Visit for a list of licensed electrical contractors in Ontario.

ESA/ECRA Lic # 7012066
We Accept
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